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/ Public / 学位論文 / 博士論文2020.3~   
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icon_article A critical role of STING-triggered tumor-migrating neutrophils for anti-tumor effect of intratumoral cGAMP treatment (STING活性化によって腫瘍内に集積する好中球はcGAMPの腫瘍内投与による抗腫瘍効果に重要な役割を果たす)
永田, 真莉乃
Cancer Immunol Immunother.70,8(2021.8),p.2301-2312
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icon_article A maternal high-fat diet induces fetal origins of NASH-HCC in mice (母体高脂肪食はマウスにおいて胎生期起源性脂肪性肝炎-肝癌を誘発する)
滝山, 貴央
Scientific reports.12,1(2022.7),p.13136-
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icon_article A Novel Preservation Solution Containing Quercetin and Sucrose for Porcine Kidney Transplantation (ブタ腎移植を用いたケルセチンとスクロースを含む保存液についての研究)
合地, 美香子
Transplantation Direct.6,12(2020.11),p.e624-
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icon_article A Simple Angle-Measuring Instrument for Measuring Cemented Stem Anteversion during Total Hip Arthroplasty (大腿骨ステム前捻角の術中測定用角度計の制作と有用性)
光武, 遼
BioMed Central musculoskeletal disorders Musculoskeletal disorders.21,1(2020.2),p.113-
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icon_article A tumor metastasis-associated molecule TWIST1 is a favorable target for cancer immunotherapy due to its immunogenicity (TWIST1特異的ヘルパーT細胞の活性化を応用したがん免疫療法に関する研究)
矢島, 優己
Cancer science.113,8(2022.8),p.2526-2535
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icon_article Association between Alterations of the Choriocapillaris Microcirculation and Visual Function and Cone Photoreceptors in Patients with Diabetes (糖尿病患者における脈絡膜毛細血管微小循環の変化と視機能及び錐体細胞との関連)
間瀬, 智子
Investigative ophthalmology and visual science.61,6(2020.6),p.1-
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icon_article Bacteria-derived ferrichrome inhibits tumor progression in sporadic colorectal neoplasms and colitis-associated cancer (細菌由来のフェリクロームは散発性大腸腫瘍および大腸炎関連癌の腫瘍進行を抑制する)
岩間, 琢哉
Cancer cell international.21,1(2020.1),p.21-
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icon_article Beneficial effects of end-ischemic oxygenated machine perfusion preservation for split-liver transplantation in recovering graft function and reducing ischemia-reperfusion injury (過小肝グラフトに対する短時間低温酸素化灌流保存の有効性の検討)
石井, 大介
Scientific Reports.11,1(2019.9),p.22608-
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icon_article Capillary-resident EphA7+ pericytes are multipotent cells with anti-ischemic effects through capillary formation (EphA7陽性毛細血管周細胞は多分化能を有し、血管形成能を介して、組織虚血を改善する)
吉田, 有里
Stem cells translational medicine.9,1(2020.1),p.120-130
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icon_article Centrally administered orexin prevents lipopolysaccharide and colchicine induced lethality via the vagal cholinergic pathway in a sepsis model in rats (オレキシン中枢投与は,リポポリサッカライドとコルヒチンによるラット敗血症死をコリン作動性迷走神経路を介して改善する)
五十嵐, 将
Biochemical Pharmacology.182(2020.12),p.114262-
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icon_article Choroidal Volume Evaluation after Photodynamic Therapy Using New Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Algorithm (新しいアルゴリズムによる光線力学療法後の脈絡膜体積評価に関する研究)
佐藤, 美紀
Pharmaceuticals (Basel).14,11(2021.11),p.1140-
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icon_article Comparison of intrathecal morphine with continuous patient-controlled epidural anesthesia versus intrathecal morphine alone for post-cesarean section analgesia:a randomized controlled trial (髄腔内モルヒネと持続的自己調節硬膜外麻酔の併用および髄腔内モルヒネ単独の帝王切開後痛の比較:ランダム化比較試験)
佐藤, 泉
BMC Anesthesiology.20,1(2020.6),p.138-
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icon_article Comparison of right ventricular function between three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography and pulmonary artery catheter (3次元経食道心エコーと肺動脈カテーテルによる右心機能測定の比較
矢野, 喜一
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia.35,6(2021.6),p.1663-1669
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icon_article Computed tomography findings of complications resulting from cardiopulmonary resuscitation (心肺蘇生後のCT所見に関する研究)
柏木, 友太
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icon_article Contribution of long-chain fatty acid to induction of myeloid-derived suppressor cell (MDSC)-like cells - induction of MDSC by lipid vesicles (liposome) (長鎖脂肪酸による骨髄由来免疫抑制細胞様細胞誘導への関与―脂質小胞(リポソーム)によるMDSCの誘導)
吉田, 陽一郎
Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol.42,6(2020.12),p.614-624
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icon_article Digiral PCR-based plasma cell-free DNA mutation analysis for early-stage pancreatic tumor diagnosis and surveillance (デジタルPCRを用いた遺伝子変異解析による膵腫瘍の早期診断とサーベイランス)
岡田, 哲弘
Journal of gastroenterology.55,12(2020.12),p.1183-1193
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icon_article EphA7+perivascular cells as myogenic and angiogenic precursors improving skeletal muscle regeneration in a muscular dystrophic mouse model. (EphA7陽性周細胞は、筋ジストロフィーマウスモデルにおいて、骨格筋再生能を改善する)
鹿野, 耕平
Stem cell research.47,(2020.7),p.101914-
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icon_article Expression of placenta-specific 1 and its potential for eliciting anti-tumor helper T-cell responses in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (頭頸部扁平上皮癌におけるPLAC1の発現およびPLAC1特異的ヘルパーT細胞の抗腫瘍効果に関する研究)
林, 隆介
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icon_article Extracellular matrix gene expression in human trabecular meshwork cells following mechanical fluid flow stimulation (ヒト線維柱帯細胞への水流機械刺激による細胞外マトリックス遺伝子発現に関する研究)
吉田, 光一
International journal of ophthalmology.15,3(2022.3),p.388-393
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icon_article Fatty Acid-Treated Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Human Cardiomyocytes Exhibit Adult Cardiomyocyte-Like Energy Metabolism Phenotypes (iPS細胞由来心筋細胞は、脂肪酸処理によって成熟心筋細胞様のエネルギー代謝へ変化する)
堀越, 佑一
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