AMCoR Asahikawa Medical College

AMCoR:Asahikawa Medical University Collection and Research (旭川医科大学学術成果リポジトリ)は、本学で生産された電子的な知的生産物(学術雑誌論文の原稿・教材・学術資料など)を保存し、原則的に無償で発信するためのインターネット上の保管庫です。


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icon_article Time-saving method for directly amplifying and capturing a minimal amount of pancreatic tumor-derived mutations from fine-needle aspirates using digital PCR (微量組織検体中の体細胞変異の検出を可能にする迅速デジタルPCR解析法の開発)
林, 明宏
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icon_article Time-saving method for directly amplifying and capturing a minimal amount of pancreatic tumor-derived mutations from fine-needle aspirates using digital PCR (微量組織検体中の体細胞変異の検出を可能にする迅速デジタルPCR解析法の開発)
林, 明宏
Scientific reports.10,1(2020.6),p.12332-
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icon_article tined型ペーシングリードが遺残静脈洞弁に捕捉され抜去困難となった一例
島村, 浩平 . 塩越, 隆広 . 加藤, 淳一 . 齊藤, 江里香 . 志村, 通子 . 貴田岡, 享 . 小川, 裕二
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icon_article Tissue hypoxia inhibits prostaglandin and nitric oxide production and prevents ductus arteriosus reopening.
梶野, 浩樹
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icon_article TIVA新時代到来!筋弛緩薬をどう使うか? 筋弛緩薬をしっかり管理・投与する コントロールされた筋弛緩の必要性
笹川, 智貴 . 岩崎, 寛
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icon_article TNF-α induced RANTES chemokine expression via activation of NF-kB and p38 MAP kinase: roles of TNF-α in alcoholic liver diseases
平野, 史倫 . Komura, K . Fukawa, E . Makino, I
JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY.38,4(2003.4),p.483-489
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icon_article TORCH症候群 妊娠中の感染に気をつけて
古谷野, 伸
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icon_article Traffic Control of Bacteria-Derived Molecules: A New System of Host-Bacterial Crosstalk
小西, 弘晃 . Fujiya, Mikihiro . Kohgo, Yutaka
International Journal of Cell Biology .2013,(2013)
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icon_article Train-of-Four and Tetanic Fade Are Not Always a Prejunctional Phenomenon as Evaluated by Toxins Having Highly Specific Pre- and Postjunctional Actions
長島, 道生
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icon_article Tranexamic acid-induced ligneous conjunctivitis with renal failure showed reversible hypoplasminogenaemia.
宋, 勇錫 . 泉, 直宏 . Luke B, Potts
BMJ case reports.(2014.5)
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icon_article Transfection of human hepatocyte growth factor gene ameliorates secondary lymphedema via promotion of lymphangiogenesis
齊藤, 幸裕
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icon_article Transforming growth factor-beta1 induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in human meningeal cells via ERK and Smad pathways (Transforming growth factor-beta1はヒト髄膜細胞においてERKおよびSmad経路を介しmatrix metalloproteinase-9の発現を促進する)
岡本, 年男
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icon_article Transforming Growth Factor-β Signaling Cascade Induced by Mechanical Stimulation of Fluid Shear Stress in Cultured Corneal Epithelial Cells.
宇都宮, 嗣了
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icon_article Transforming Growth Factor-β Signaling Cascade Induced by Mechanical Stimulation of Fluid Shear Stress in Cultured Corneal Epithelial Cells.
宇都宮, 嗣了
Investigative ophthalmology and visual science.57,14(2016.11),p.6382-6388
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icon_article Transforming growth factor-β1 induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in human meningeal cells via ERK and Smad pathways
岡本, 年男 . Takahashi, S . Nakamura, E . Nagaya, K . Hayashi, T . Fujieda, K
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.383,4(2009.6),p.475-479
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icon_article Transient perforating folliculitis induced by sorafenib
堀, 仁子 . Ishida-Yamamoto, Akemi . Komatsu, Shigetsuna . Iizuka, Hajime
The Journal of Dermatology.37,9(2010.9),p.833-834
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icon_article Translocation of caveolin regulates stretch-induced ERK activity in vascular smooth muscle
川辺, 淳一 . Okumura, S . Lee, MC . Sadoshima, J . Ishikawa, Y
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icon_article Transmission ecosystems of Echinococcus multilocularis in China and Central Asia.
Patrick, Giraudoux . Francis, Raoul . Eve, Afonso . Iskender, Ziadinov . Yurong, Yang . Li, Li . Tiaoying, Li . Jean-Pierre, Quéré . Xiaohui, Feng . Qian, Wang . Hao, Wen . 伊藤, 亮 . Philip, S Craig
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icon_article Transplanting normal vascular proangiogenic cells to tumor-bearing mice triggers vascular remodeling and reduces hypoxia in tumors (正常血管新生誘導細胞の移植は膵癌微小環境の血管再構築を誘導し低酸素環境を軽減する)
笹島, 順平
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icon_article Treatment outcome and prognostic factors of tonsillectomy for palmoplantar pustulosis and pustulotic arthro‐osteitis: A retrospective subjective and objective quantitative analysis of 138 patients
高原, 幹 . 平田, 結 . 長門, 利純 . 岸部, 幹 . 片田, 彰博 . 林, 達哉 . 岸部, 麻里 . 山本, 明美 . 原渕, 保明
The Journal of dermatology.45,7(2018.7),p.812-823
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