AMCoR Asahikawa Medical College

AMCoR:Asahikawa Medical University Collection and Research (旭川医科大学学術成果リポジトリ)は、本学で生産された電子的な知的生産物(学術雑誌論文の原稿・教材・学術資料など)を保存し、原則的に無償で発信するためのインターネット上の保管庫です。


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icon_article Structural chromosomal aberrations, aneuploidy, and mosaicism in early cleavage mouse embryos derived from spermatozoa exposed to γ-rays
立野, 裕幸 . Kusakabe, Hirokazu . Kamiguchi, Yujiroh
International Journal of Radiation Biology.87,3(2011.3),p.320-329
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icon_article Subcutaneous Granuloma Pyogenicumの1例
松本, 光博 . 飯塚, 一
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icon_article Substrate specificity of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase: kinetic studies using synthetic phosphopeptides as model substrates
石田, 敦彦 . Shigeri, Y . Tatsu, Y . Endo, Y . Kameshita, I . Okuno, S . Kitani, T . Takeuchi, M . Yumoto, N . Fujisawa, H
The Journal of Biochemistry.129,5(2001.5),p.745-753
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icon_article Successful Antifungal Treatment of Disseminated Candidiasis Associated with ARDS (ARDSを伴った播種性カンジダ症の1例)
秋葉, 裕二 . 長内, 忍 . 中野, 均 . 松本, 博之 . 小野寺, 壮吉
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icon_article Successful Control of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation by Recombinant Thrombomodulin during Arsenic Trioxide Treatment in Relapsed Patient with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia.
進藤, 基博 . Ikuta, Katsuya . Addo, Linda . Ito, Satoshi . Fujiya, Mikihiro . Torimoto, Yoshihiro . Kohgo, Yutaka
Case reports in hematology.2012,(2012),p.908196-
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icon_article Successful curative resection of gallbladder cancer following S‑1 chemotherapy: A case report and review of the literature
永生, 高広 . 内田, 浩一郎 . 谷口, 雅彦 . 太田, 雄 . 渡邉, 賢二 . 今井, 浩二 . 唐崎, 秀則 . 千葉, 篤 . 及川, 賢輔 . 三代川, 斉之 . 古川, 博之
Oncology letters..8,6(2014.12),p.2443-2447
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icon_article Successful percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for the treatment of renovascular hypertension with an atrophic kidney
丸山, 啓介 . 珍田, 純子 . 鹿原, 真樹 . 中川, 直樹 . 藤野, 貴行 . 竹内, 利治 . 長谷部, 直幸
Heart and Vessels.30,2(2015.3),p.274-279
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icon_article Successful Treatment of Systemic Geotrichum capitatum Infection by Liposomal Amphotericin-B, Itraconazole, and Voriconazole in a Japanese Man  (Liposomal amphotericin-B、itraconazole、voriconazoleによる全身性Geotrichum capitatum感染の治療が奏効した日本人男性の1症例)
生田, 克哉 . Torimoto, Yoshihiro . Yamamoto, Masayo . Okumura, Naoka . Hosoki, Takaaki . Sato, Kazuya . Fujiya, Mikihiro . Kohgo, Yutaka
Internal Medicine.49,22(2010.11),p.2499-2503
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icon_article Suppression of invasive characteristics by antisense introduction of overexpressed HOX genes in ovarian cancer cells
山下, 剛 . Tazawa, S . Yawei, Z . Katayama, H . Kato, Y . Nishikawa, K . Yokohama, Y . Ishikawa, M
International Journal of Oncology.28,4(2006.4),p.931-938
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icon_article Suppression of lipin-1 expression increases monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
高橋, 伸彦 . Yoshizaki, Takayuki . Hiranaka, Natsumi . Suzuki, Takeshi . Yui, Tomoo . Akanuma, Masayasu . Oka, Kazuya . Kanazawa, Kaoru . Yoshida, Mika . Naito, Sumiyoshi . Fujiya, Mikihiro . Kohgo, Yutaka . Ieko, Masahiro
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.415,1(2011.11),p.200-205
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icon_article Suppressive effect of orthovanadate on hepatic stellate cell activation and liver fibrosis in rats
西川, 祐司 . Ohi, Naoto . Yagisawa, Akiko . Doi, Yuko . Yamamoto, Yohei . Yoshida, Masayuki . Tokairin, Takuo . Yoshioka, Toshiaki . Omori, Yasufumi . Enomoto, Katsuhiko
The American journal of pathology.174,3(2009.3),p.881-890
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icon_article Surgical approach to tumor recurrence and metastatic lesions of the liver in a patient with malignant endocrine tumors of the pancreas : case report.
稲垣, 光裕 . Aoyagi, T . Nomura, N . Yokoo, H . Akabane, M . Kawata, A . Nakano, S . Chiba, A . Fujii, T . Sakurai, H . Tsukada, T . Takahashi, M
Journal of Hepato biliary Pancreatic Surgery.10,4(2003.8),p.325-328
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icon_article Surgical Microanatomy of the Posterior Condylar Emissary Vein and its Anatomical Variations for the Transcondylar Fossa Approach
太田, 仲郎
Operative neurosurgery..13,3(2017.6),p.382-391
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icon_article Surgical Microanatomy of the Posterior Condylar Emissary Vein and its Anatomical Variations for the Transcondylar Fossa Approach (経後頭顆到達法における後顆導出静脈の微小解剖学的破格に関する研究)
太田, 仲郎
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icon_article Surgical Site Infectionの新しい対策―術後感染を防ぐためのわれわれの工夫―大動脈・末梢血管手術
東, 信良 . 稲葉, 雅史 . 内田, 恒 . 清川, 恵子 . 角浜, 孝行 . 赤坂, 伸之 . 笹嶋, 唯博
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icon_article Surgical Site Infectionの新しい対策 術後感染を防ぐためのわれわれの工夫 上部消化管手術
星, 智和 . 和久, 勝昭 . 長谷川, 公治 . 宮本, 正之 . 澁谷, 貴史 . 千里, 直之 . 海老澤, 良昭 . 河野, 透 . 葛西, 眞一
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icon_article Surgical treatment for mediastinal parathyroid adenoma causing primary hyperparathyroidism.
北田, 正博 . 安田, 俊輔 . 高橋, 奈七 . 石橋, 圭 . 林, 諭史 . Okazaki, Satoru
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery.11,(2016.4),p.44-
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icon_article Surgical Treatment of Idiopathic Multiple Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation Identified at the Onset of Cerebral Infarction: A Case Report
北田, 正博 . 安田, 俊輔 . 髙橋, 奈七 . 岡崎, 智 . 石橋, 圭 . 林, 諭 . 大崎, 能伸
Open Journal of Respiratory Diseases.7,2(2017.5),p.62-67
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icon_article Surgical treatment of intracystic carcinoma of the breast.
北田, 正博 . Hayashi, Satoshi . Matsuda, Yoshinari . Sato, kazuhiro . Miyokawa, Naoyuki . Sasajima, Tadahiro
World journal of surgical oncology.9,(2011.10),p.116-
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icon_article Sustained orbital shear stress stimulates smooth muscle cell proliferation via the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2 pathway
浅田, 秀典
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