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Last updated : May 18, 2012
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タイトル Structural chromosomal aberrations, aneuploidy, and mosaicism in early cleavage mouse embryos derived from spermatozoa exposed to γ-rays
立野, 裕幸 (Tateno, Hiroyuki)
Kusakabe, Hirokazu
Kamiguchi, Yujiroh
International Journal of Radiation Biology Vol.87, No.3  (2011. 3) ,p.320- 329
DOI 10.3109/09553002.2011.530334
抄録 Purpose: To quantitatively and qualitatively investigate the changes in chromosomal aberrations during early cleavage in mouse embryos derived from γ-irradiated spermatozoa. Materials and methods: Mature males were exposed to 2 Gy or 4 Gy of ^<137>Cs γ-rays, and their spermatozoa were used to produce embryos via in vitro fertilisation (IVF). The metaphase chromosomes were prepared from one-cell, two-cell, and four-cell embryos. In the chromosome preparations from two-cell and four-cell embryos, the separation of the sister blastomeres was precluded by treatment of the embryos with concanavalin A. The incidence of embryos with structural chromosomal aberrations, aneuploidy, or mosaicism was estimated. The fates of the different types of γ-ray-induced structural chromosomal aberrations were also investigated in those embryos. Results: The exposure of spermatozoa to 2 Gy or 4 Gy γ-rays caused structural chromosomal aberrations in 25.9% and 35.7% of the resultant one-cell embryos, respectively. At two-cell embryonic stage, the incidence of structural chromosomal aberrations was 17.4% in the 2 Gy group and 27.1% in the 4 Gy group. At the four-cell embryonic stage, although the incidence of control embryos with structural chromosomal aberrations was considerably high, the net incidence of embryos with radiation-induced structural chromosomal aberrations was similar to that at the one-cell stage. The incidence of aneuploidy was high in two-cell and four-cell embryos after both doses of γ-rays. The incidence of mosaicism increased significantly in dose- and embryonic-stage-dependent manners. Anaphase lag, and the degeneration and non-disjunction of the aberrant chromosomes were frequently observed in aneuploid and mosaic embryos. Conclusions: Mouse sperm DNA is highly vulnerable to γ-rays. The structural chromosomal aberrations of sperm origin are unstable in their behaviour and structure during cleavage, and therefore cause secondary aneuploidy and mosaicism in the early cleavage embryos.
注記 This is an electronic version of an article published in Informa Healthcare, Tateno, Hiroyuki ; Kusakabe, Hirokazu ; Kamiguchi, Yujiroh, International Journal of Radiation Biology, 87(3), 2011, 320-329.
資源タイプ text
ジャンル Journal Article
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/ Public / 国外雑誌論文