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1621 - 1640 of 6620 Items

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icon_article The membrane-type collectin CL-P1 is a scavenger receptor on vascular endothelial cells
大谷, 克城 . Suzuki, Y . Eda, S . Kawai, T . Kase, T . Keshi, H . Sakai, Y . Fukuoh, A . Sakamoto, T . Itabe, H . Suzutani, T . Ogasawara, M . Yoshida, I . Wakamiya, N
Journal of Biological Chemistry.276,47(2001.11),p.44222-44228
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icon_article The membrane-type collectin CL-P1 is a scavenger receptor on vascular endothelial cells
大谷, 克城
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icon_article The mitochondrial calcium uniporter contributes to morphine tolerance through pCREB and CPEB1 in rat spinal cord dorsal horn (ラット脊髄後角でミトコンドリアカルシウムユニポータはpCREB,CPEB1を介してモルヒネ耐性に関与する)
髙橋, 桂哉
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icon_article The mitochondrial calcium uniporter contributes to morphine tolerance through pCREB and CPEB1 in rat spinal cord dorsal horn (ラット脊髄後角でミトコンドリアカルシウムユニポータはpCREB,CPEB1を介してモルヒネ耐性に関与する)
髙橋, 桂哉
British Journal of Anaesthesia.123,2(2019.8),p.e226-e238
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icon_article The neuronal circuit of augmenting effects on intrinsic laryngeal muscle activities induced by nasal air-jet stimulation in decerebrate cats
国部, 勇 . Nonaka, S . Katada, A . Adachi, M . Enomoto, K . Harabuchi, Y
BRAIN RESEARCH.978,1-2(2003.7),p.83-90
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icon_article The neuronal circuit of augmenting effects on intrinsic laryngeal muscle activities induced by nasal air-jet stimulation in decerebrate cats.
國部, 勇
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icon_article The paracrine effect of hedgehog occurs at later stage on pancreatic tumorigenesis (Hedgehogのパラクライン作用は膵腫瘍形成の後期段階で起こる)
杉山, 祥晃
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icon_article The Parker Flex-Tip^<TM> tracheal tube makes endotracheal intubation with the Bullard laryngoscope easier and faster
鈴木, 昭広 . Tampo, A . Abe, N . Otomo, S . Minami, S . Henderson, J . Iwasaki, H
European Journal of Anaesthesiology.25,1(2008.01),p.43-47
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icon_article The present situation and towards the prevention and control of neurocysticercosis on the tropicalisland, Bali, Indonesia
Toni, Wandra . Kadek, Swastika . Nyoman S, Dharmawan . Ivan Elisabeth, Purba . I Made, Sudarmaja . 吉田, 貴彦 . 迫, 康仁 . 岡本, 宗裕 . Ni Luh Putu Eka, Diarthini . Dewa Ayu Agus Sri, Laksemi . 柳田, 哲矢 . 中尾, 稔 . 伊藤, 亮
Parasites and Vectors.8(2015.3),p.1-11
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icon_article The prognostic value of normal stress cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging.
岩田, 邦弘 . 中川, 貞裕 . 小笠原, 克彦
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography.38,1(2014.1),p.36-43
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icon_article The putative serine protease inhibitor (serpin) genes encoded on Echinococcus multilocularis genome and their expressions in metacestodal stage
佐々木, 瑞希 . 迫, 康仁
Veterinary Parasitology.233(2017.1),p.20-24
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icon_article The rate of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema (RS3PE) syndrome in a clinic where primary care physicians are working in Japan
奥村, 利勝 . Tanno, Satoshi . Ohhira, Masumi . 野津, 司
Rheumatology International.32,6(2012.6),p.1695-1699
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icon_article The relationship of gamma-glutamyltransferase to C-reactive protein and arterial stiffness
西條, 泰明 . Utsugi, M . Yoshioka, E . Horikawa, N . Sato, T . Gong, Y . Kishi, R
Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases.18,3(2008.3),p.211-219
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icon_article The Renometabolic Syndrome 糖尿病性腎症進展予防に対する治療戦略標的としてのInterleukin-18(IL-18)
滝山, 由美 . 本庄, 潤 . 羽田, 勝計 . 立野, 正敏
Therapeutic Research.28,8(2007.8),p.1497-1500
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icon_article The role of CCL22/macrophage-derived chemokine in allergic rhinitis
立野, 正敏 . Yanai, M . Sato, K . Aoki, N . Takiyama, Y . Oikawa, K . Kobayashi, H . Kimura, S . Harabuchi, Y
Clinical Immunology.125,3(2007.12),p.291-298
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icon_article The role of CCL22/macrophage-derived chemokine in allergic rhinitis
柳内, 充
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icon_article The role of different X-inactivation pattern on the variable clinical phenotype with Rett syndrome
石井, 拓磨 . Makita, Y . Ogawa, A . Amamiya, S . Yamamoto, M . Miyamoto, A . Oki, J
Brain & Development..23,Suppl 1(2001.12),p.S161-S164
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icon_article The role of N-terminal pro B type natriuretic peptide in the diagnosis of congestive heart failure in children: Correlation with the heart failure score and comparison with BNP ( 小児心不全の診断におけるNT-proBNPの有用性:小児心機能分類とBNPとの比較)
杉本, 昌也
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icon_article The Role of N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide in the Diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure in Children: Correlation With the Heart Failure Score and Comparison With B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (小児のうっ血性心不全診断におけるN-末端Pro-B型Na利尿ペプチドの役割 心不全評点との相関及びB型Na利尿ペプチドとの比較)
杉本, 昌也 . Manabe, Hiromi . Nakau, Kouichi . Furuya, Akiko . Okushima, Kasumi . Fujiyasu, Hiroaki . Kakuya, Fujio . Goh, Kazutomo . Fujieda, Kenji . Kajino, Hiroki
Circulation Journal.74,5(2010.4),p.998-1005
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icon_article The Role of Prostacyclin System of Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Peripheral Ischemia
油川, 陽子
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