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icon_article Longitudinal Changes in Retinal Blood Flow in a Feline Retinal Vein Occlusion Model as Measured by Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography and Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (ドップラ光干渉断層計と光干渉断層血管撮影を用いて測定したネコ網膜静脈閉塞モデルにおける網膜血流の継時的変化)
和田, 剛成
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icon_article Longitudinal Changes in Retinal Blood Flow in a Feline Retinal Vein Occlusion Model as Measured by Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography and Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (ドップラ光干渉断層計と光干渉断層血管撮影を用いて測定したネコ網膜静脈閉塞モデルにおける網膜血流の継時的変化)
和田, 剛成
Investigative ophthalmology and visual science.61,2(2020.2),p.34-
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icon_article Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Method for Differentiation and Rapid Detection of Taenia Species
伊藤, 亮 . Nkouawa, A . Sako, Y . Nakao, M . Nakaya, K
Journal of Clinical Microbiology.47,1(2009.01),p.168-174
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icon_article Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Method for Differentiation and Rapid Detection of Taenia Species (Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification法を用いたヒトテニア科条虫の迅速鑑別検出法)
Nkouawa, Agathe
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icon_article Loricrin keratoderma: a novel disease entity characterized by nuclear accumulation of mutant loricrin
山本, 明美
Journal of Dermatological Science.31,1(2003.02),p.3-8
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icon_article Loss of p21 expression is associated with p53 mutations and increased cell proliferation and p27 expression is associated with apoptosis in maxillary sinus squamous cell carcinoma
板東, 伸幸 . Hayashi, T . Takahara, M . Kishibe, K . Ogino, T . Katayama, A . Imada, M . Nonaka, S . Harabuchi, Y
Acta Oto-Laryngologica.125,7(2005.7),p.779-785
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icon_article Lovastatin inhibits visceral allodynia and increased colonic permeability induced by lipopolysaccharide or repeated water avoidance stress in rats.
野津, 司 . 宮岸, 沙織 . 粂井, 志麻 . 野津, 麟太郎 . 高草木, 薫 . 奥村, 利勝
European Journal of Pharmacology.818,(2018.1),p.228-234
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icon_article Low p38 MAPK and JNK activation in cultured hepatocytes of DRH rats; a strain highly resistant to hepatocarcinogenesis
本望, 聡
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icon_article Low room temperature can trigger ventricular fibrillation in J wave syndromes
八巻, 多 . 佐藤, 伸之 . 今西, 梨菜 . 酒井, 博司 . 川村, 祐一郎 . 長谷部, 直幸
HeartRhythm Case Reports.2,4(2016.7),p.347-350
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icon_article Low selection of preneoplastic hepatocytes after treatment with the 2-acetylaminofluorene diet-partial hepatectomy regimen in the liver of hepatocarcinogenesis-resistant DRH strain rats
今井, 浩二
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icon_article Low shear stress up-regulation of proinflammatory gene expression in human retinal microvascular endothelial cells.
石羽澤, 明弘 . 長岡, 泰司 . 横田, 陽匡 . 大野, 晋治 . 吉田, 晃敏
Experimental Eye Research.116,(2013.11),p.308-311
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icon_article LUTS/BPH症例に対するナフトピジル50mg/日の効果 投与方法による有効性の比較検討
沼田, 篤 . 渡邊, 成樹 . 山口, 聡 . 小山内, 裕昭 . 柿崎, 秀宏
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icon_article Lyb-2およびB細胞刺激因子(BSF-1)を介するB細胞活性化機構の解析
矢倉, 英隆
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icon_article Lyme disease spirochetes in Japan: enzootic transmission cycles in birds, rodents, and Ixodes persulcatus ticks
中尾, 稔 . Miyamoto, K . Fukunaga, M
Journal of Infectious Diseases.170,7(1994),p.878-882
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icon_article Lymphedema and therapeutic lymphangiogenesis
齊藤, 幸裕 . Nakagami, Hironori . Kaneda, Yasufumi . Morishita, Ryuichi
BioMed research international.2013,,p.804675-
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icon_article lymphomatoid granulomatosis
渡辺, 信 . 石田, 明美 . 渋谷, 真理子 . 梶田, 哲 . 飯塚, 一 . 水元, 俊裕
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icon_article Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC)による内皮依存性弛緩反応に関する研究
平山, 智也 . 小川, 裕二 . 飛世, 克之 . 小野寺, 壮吉
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icon_article Macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha plays a crucial role in concanavalin A-induced liver injury through induction of proinflammatory cytokines in mice.
岡本, 聡 . Yokohama, S . Yoneda, M . Haneda, M . Nakamura, K
HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH.32,1(2005.5),p.38-45
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icon_article Macrophage inflammatory protein-1α plays a role in concanavalin A-induced liver injury through induction of proinflammatory cytokines in mice
岡本, 聡
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icon_article Macrophage inflammatory protein-2 induced by TNF-alpha plays a pivotal role in concanavalin A-induced liver injury in mice.
中村, 公英 . Okada, M . Yoneda, M . Takamoto, S . Nakade, Y . Tamori, K . Aso, K . Makino, I
JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY.35,2(2001.8),p.217-224
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