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AMCoR:Asahikawa Medical University Collection and Research (旭川医科大学学術成果リポジトリ)は、本学で生産された電子的な知的生産物(学術雑誌論文の原稿・教材・学術資料など)を保存し、原則的に無償で発信するためのインターネット上の保管庫です。


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icon_article Preference and resistance to change do not always covary
高橋, 雅治
Behavioral and Brain Science.23,1(2000),p.112-113
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icon_article Pregnancy suppresses neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury in rats through the inhibition of TNF-α.
小野寺, 美子
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icon_article Pregnancy suppresses neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury in rats through the inhibition of TNF-α.
小野寺, 美子
Journal of pain research.10,(2017.3),p.567-574
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icon_article Pregnancy suppresses neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury in rats through the inhibition of TNF-α.
小野寺, 美子 . 神田, 恵 . 神田, 浩嗣 . 笹川, 智貴 . 岩崎, 寛 . 国沢, 卓之
Journal of pain research.10,(2017.3),p.567-574
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icon_article Premotor Cortex Provides a Substrate for the Temporal Transformation of Information During the Planning of Gait Modifications.
中島, 敏 . Nicolas, Fortier-Lebel . Trevor, Drew
Cerebral Cortex.(2019.3)
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icon_article Preparation of highlypurifiedmonomeric human serum albumin as secondary reference material for standardization of urinary albumin immunoassays
伊藤, 喜久 . Ichihara, Kiyoshi . Kish, Kouji . Hosogaya, Shigem . Yamada, Toshiyuki
Clinica Chimica Act.413,1-2(2012.01),p.175-181
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icon_article Preservation of chromosomal integrity in murine spermatozoa derived from gonocytes and spermatogonial stem cells surviving prenatal and postnatal exposure to γ‐rays in mice
渡部, 浩之 . 香田, 淳 . 小村, 潤一郎 . 立野, 裕幸
Molecular reproduction and development.84,7(2017.7),p.638-648
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icon_article Preterm PROMにおける早産対策
石川, 睦男 . 佐々木, 公則
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icon_article Prevalence of functional dyspepsia in an outpatient clinic with primary care physicians in Japan
奥村, 利勝 . Tanno, Sachie . Ohhira, Masumi . Tanno, Satoshi
Journal of Gastroenterology.45,2(2010.2),p.187-194
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icon_article Prevalence of functional dyspepsia in an outpatient clinic with primary care physicians in Japan (日本における、総合外来での機能性消化不良症の罹患率)
奥村, 利勝 . Tanno, Sachie . Ohhira, Masumi . Tanno, Satoshi
Journal of Gastroenterology.45,2(2010.2),p.187-194
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icon_article Primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma successfully treated with local thermotherapy using pocket hand warmers.
本間, 大 . Hashimoto, M . Iwasaki, T . Iinuma, S . Takahashi, H . Yamamoto(Ishida), A . Iizuka, H
The Journal of Dermatology.35,11(2008.11),p.748-750
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icon_article Primary cutaneous γδ-T-cell lymphoma treated with low-dose methotrexate and narrowband ultraviolet B irradiation: Report of a case with testicular involvement
藤井, 瑞恵 . Uehara, Jiro . Honma, Masaru . Ito, Yasuhiro . Takahashi, Hidetoshi . Yamamoto-Ishida, Akemi . Iizuka, Hajime
The Journal of Dermatology.38,4(2011.4),p.368-372
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icon_article Priorities for research and control of cestode zoonoses in Asia
Ning, Xiao . Yao, Jia-Wen . Wei, Ding . Patrick, Giraudoux . Philip, S Craig . 伊藤, 亮
Infectious Diseases of Poverty.2,1(2013.8),p.16-
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icon_article Pro-Drop and Verb Sacond in Old French : A Weak Phonological Approach to X-second Phenomena
三好, 暢博
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icon_article Probiotic-derived ferrichrome inhibits colon cancer progression via JNK-mediated apoptosis
小西, 弘晃 . 藤谷, 幹浩 . 田中, 宏樹 . 上野, 伸展 . 盛一, 健太郎 . 笹嶋, 順平 . 生田, 克哉 . 阿久津, 弘明 . 田邊, 裕貴 . 高後, 裕
Nature communications.7,(2016.8),p.1-12
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icon_article Probiotic-derived polyphosphate accelerates intestinal epithelia wound healing through inducing platelet-derived mediators (乳酸菌由来長鎖ポリリン酸は血小板活性化を介して腸管上皮の創傷治癒を促進する)
磯崎, 翔太郎
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icon_article Probiotic-derived polyphosphate accelerates intestinal epithelia wound healing through inducing platelet-derived mediators (乳酸菌由来長鎖ポリリン酸は血小板活性化を介して腸管上皮の創傷治癒を促進する)
磯崎, 翔太郎
Mediators of Inflammation.2021,(2021.3),p.5582943-
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icon_article Production of interferon-gamma-inducible protein-10 (IP-10) and its role as an autocrine invasion factor in nasal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma cells (鼻性NK/T細胞リンパ腫におけるIP-10の産生とそのオートクライン機序による浸潤因子としての役割)
森合, 重誉
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icon_article Production of nerve growth factor by mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cells and expression of TrkA in tumor-associated arteries in mice
小川, 勝洋 . Kishibe, K . Yamada, Y
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icon_article Production of offspring after sperm chromosome screening: an experiment using the mouse model
渡部, 浩之 . 日下部, 博一 . Mori, H . Yanagimachi, R . 立野, 博幸
Human Reproduction.28,(2013),p.531-537
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