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icon_article Target-controlled infusion and population pharmacokinetics of landiolol hydrochloride in patients with peripheral arterial disease.
国沢, 卓之 . 山岸, 昭夫 . 須野, 学 . Nakade, Susumu . Honda, Naoki . 黒澤, 温 . 田崎, 嘉一 . 岩崎, 寛
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management.11,(2015.1),p.107-114
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icon_article Targeting HER-3 to elicit antitumor helper T cells against head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
熊井, 琢美 . 大栗, 敬幸 . 長門, 利純 . 松田, 佳也 . 及川, 賢輔 . 青木, 直子 . 木村, 昭冶 . Esteban, Celis . 原渕, 保明 . 小林, 博也
Scientific Reports.5,(2015.11)
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icon_article Targeting phosphorylated p53 to elicit tumor-reactive T helper responses against head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
大原, 賢三
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icon_article Targeting phosphorylated p53 to elicit tumor-reactive T helper responses against head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
大原, 賢三
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icon_article Tau phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinase 5/p39 during brain development reduces its affinity for microtubules
高橋, 悟 . Saito, T . Hisanaga, S . Pant, HC . Kulkarni, AB
Journal of Biological Chemistry.278,12(2003.3),p.10506-10515
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icon_article TCIを利用した迅速導入法 Stocking MethodとExternal Method
国沢, 卓之
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icon_article Telestrokeの有用性と課題
相澤, 仁志 . 澤田, 潤 . 齋藤, 司 . 遠藤, 寿子 . 片山, 隆行 . 長谷部, 直幸 . 平沼, 初音 . 高橋, 康二 . 羽根田, 俊 . 守屋, 潔
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icon_article Temporal posttraumatic limited ocular movement with suspected trapdoor fracture.
宋, 勇錫 . 横田, 陽匡 . 伊藤, はる菜 . 吉田, 晃敏
Clinical ophthalmology..2014,8(2014.8),p.1535-1538
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icon_article Terbinafine 1%クリーム剤による足白癬の治療成績
水元, 俊裕 . 市川, 雅子 . 伊藤, 文彦 . 浅賀, 浩孝
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icon_article Testis-specific hnRNP is expressed in colorectal cancer cells and accelerates cell growth mediating ZDHHC11 mRNA stabilization (精巣特異的hnRNPは大腸癌で過剰発現しZDHHC11 mRNAの安定化を介して腫瘍増殖を促進する)
村上, 雄紀
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icon_article Testis-specific hnRNP is expressed in colorectal cancer cells and accelerates cell growth mediating ZDHHC11 mRNA stabilization (精巣特異的hnRNPは大腸癌で過剰発現しZDHHC11 mRNAの安定化を介して腫瘍増殖を促進する)
村上, 雄紀
Cancer medicine.
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icon_article TGF-β Enhances Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein- Related Protein 1 (IGFBP-rP1) Expression in Human Renal Proximal Tubular Epithelial Cells (TGF-β、ヒト腎近位尿細管上皮培養細胞において、Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-Related Protein 1 (IGFBP-rP1)発現を増強する)
渡邊, 淳
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icon_article THA患者への退院指導の効果(退院後の生活を追跡調査して)
大坪, 恵美 . 原谷, 俊治 . 佐藤, 菜穂美 . 杉本, 沙織
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icon_article The 7-days-exposure to gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane causes resistance to insulin in differentiated mature 3T3-L1 adipocytes (7日間のガンマ型シクロクロロヘキサンへの暴露は成熟型3T3-L1脂肪細胞にインスリン抵抗性を惹起する)
阿米熱, 阿里木
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icon_article The 7-days-exposure to gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane causes resistance to insulin in differentiated mature 3T3-L1 adipocytes (7日間のガンマ型シクロクロロヘキサンへの暴露は成熟型3T3-L1脂肪細胞にインスリン抵抗性を惹起する)
阿米熱, 阿里木
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ecology.29,2(2021.7),p.45-59
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icon_article The antioxidant and DNA-repair enzyme apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 limits the development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis partly by modulating the immune system (抗酸化ストレス酵素であるAPE1は免疫機能を調整し、腎間質線維化の進展を制限する)
丸山, 啓介
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icon_article The antioxidant and DNA-repair enzyme apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 limits the development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis partly by modulating the immune system.
丸山, 啓介
Scientific reports.9,1(2019.5),p.7823-
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icon_article The Association Between Intraoperative Objective Neuromuscular Monitoring and Rocuronium Consumption During Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis (腹腔鏡下腹部手術における筋弛緩モニター使用の有無とロクロニウム投与量の関連性を調べた研究:単一施設後ろ向き研究)
鷹架, 健一
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icon_article The Association Between Intraoperative Objective Neuromuscular Monitoring and Rocuronium Consumption During Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis (腹腔鏡下腹部手術における筋弛緩モニター使用の有無とロクロニウム投与量の関連性を調べた研究:単一施設後ろ向き研究)
鷹架, 健一
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icon_article The Association between Prenatal Yoga and the Administration of Ritodrine Hydrochloride during Pregnancy: An Adjunct Study of the Japan Environment and Children's Study.
川西, 康之 . 西條, 泰明 . 吉岡, 英冶 . 中木, 良彦 . 吉田, 貴彦 . 宮本, 敏伸 . 千石, 一雄 . 伊藤, 善也 . 宮下, ちひろ . 荒木, 敦子 . 岸, 玲子
PLoS One.11,6(2016.6),p.1-14
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