AMCoR Asahikawa Medical College

AMCoR:Asahikawa Medical University Collection and Research (旭川医科大学学術成果リポジトリ)は、本学で生産された電子的な知的生産物(学術雑誌論文の原稿・教材・学術資料など)を保存し、原則的に無償で発信するためのインターネット上の保管庫です。


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icon_article Rifampicin-bonded Gelatin-sealed Dacron人工血管を用いたT4肺癌に対する大動脈合併切除術
平田, 哲 . 笹嶋, 唯博 . 郷, 一知 . 越湖, 進 . 八柳, 英治 . 山崎, 弘資 . 久保, 良彦 . 千葉, 薫
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icon_article Risk factor analysis of bloodstream infection in pediatric patients after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
更科, 岳大
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icon_article Risk Factors for Internal Anal Sphincter Dysfunction in Japanese Adults. (成人日本人における内肛門括約筋不全の危険因子)
安部, 達也
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icon_article Risk stratification approach in patients with lethal ventricular arrhythmias using the QT dynamics (QT動態を用いた致死的不整脈患者のリスク層別化に関する研究)
Ahmed, Abdulkarim, Talib
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icon_article RI検査のCR撮影系に及ぼす影響
佐藤, 順一 . 常丸, 武敏 . 林, 秀樹 . 岩田, 邦弘
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icon_article RI標識選択的白血球イメージング法の開発と炎症性腸疾患における臨床応用
斉藤, 泰博
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icon_article RI治療を受ける患者の不安や困難の傾向と、対処行動に関する質的分析
大塚, 麗奈 . 尾形, 千悦
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icon_article Role of basal ganglia – brainstem pathways in the control of motor behaviors
高草木, 薫 . Saito, K . Harada, H . Kashiwayanagi, M
Neuroscience Research.50,2(2004.10),p.137-151
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icon_article Role of Ca2+ -dependent and Ca2+ -sensitive mechanisms in sphingosine 1-phosphate-induced constriction of isolated porcine retinal arterioles in vitro.
神谷, 隆行 . Nagaoka, Taiji . Omae, Tsuneaki . Yoshioka, Takafumi . Ono, Shinji . Tanano, Ichiro . 吉田, 晃敏
Experimental eye research.121,(2014.4),p.94-101
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icon_article Role of Ca2+-Dependent and Ca2+-Sensitive Mechanisms in Sphingosine 1-Phosphate-Induced Constriction of Isolated Porcine Retinal Arterioles in Vitro
神谷, 隆行
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icon_article Role of Glial Cells in Regulating Retinal Blood Flow During Flicker-Induced Hyperemia in Cats
宋, 勇錫 . 長岡, 泰司 . 善岡, 尊文 . 中林, 征吾 . 谷, 智文 . 吉田, 晃敏
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.56,12(2015.11),p.7551-7559
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icon_article Role of HIF-1α in development of diabetic nephropathy
磯江, つばさ
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icon_article Role of HIF-1α in regulation of insulin sensitivity in the akeletal muscle (骨格筋のインスリン感受性におけるHIF-1αの役割)
坂上, 英充
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icon_article Role of LIM kinases in normal and psoriatic human epidermis
本間, 大 . Benitah, SA . Watt, FM
Molecular biology of the cell.17,4(2006),p.1888-1896
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icon_article Role of lipid droplet proteins in liver steatosis
奥村, 利勝
Journal of physiology and biochemistry.67,4(2011.12),p.629-636
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icon_article Role of nitric oxide in regulation of retinal blood flow in response to hyperoxia in cats
泉, 直宏
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icon_article Role of nitric oxide in the development of inflammatory tachycardia
金井, 麻子
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icon_article Role of orexin in central regulation of gastrointestinal functions
奥村, 利勝 . Takakusaki, K
Journal of Gastroenterology.43,9(2008.9),p.652-660
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icon_article Role of prorenin in the pathogenesis of retinal neovascularization
横田, 陽匡
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icon_article Role of the BrafV637E mutation in hepatocarcinogenesis induced by treatment with diethylnitrosamine in neonatal B6C3F1 mice.
山本, 雅大 . 田中, 宏樹 . Bing, Xin . 西川, 祐司 . 山崎, 弘資 . 清水, 惠子 . 小川, 勝洋
Molecular carcinogenesis.56,2(2017.2),p.478-488
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