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AMCoR:Asahikawa Medical University Collection and Research (旭川医科大学学術成果リポジトリ)は、本学で生産された電子的な知的生産物(学術雑誌論文の原稿・教材・学術資料など)を保存し、原則的に無償で発信するためのインターネット上の保管庫です。


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icon_article Repeated immobilization stress increases uncoupling protein 1 expression and activity in Wistar rats
高, 弼虎
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icon_article Repeated water avoidance stress induces visceral hypersensitivity; role of IL-1, IL-6 and peripheral corticotropin-releasing factor.
野津, 司 . 宮岸, 沙織 . 野津, 麟太郎 . 高草木, 薫 . 奥村, 利勝
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology..(2017.3),p.1-25
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icon_article Replacement of liver parenchyma in analbuminemic rats with allogenic hepatocytes is facilitated by intrabone marrow-bone marrow transplantation
稲垣, 光裕 . Furukawa, Hiroyuki . Satake, Yoshiyasu . Okada, Yoko . Chiba, Shinichi . Nishikawa, Yuji . Ogawa, Katsuhiro
Cell Transplantation .20,9(2011),p.1479-1489
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icon_article Requirement of intact disulfide bonds in orexin-A-induced stimulation of gastric acid secretion that is mediated by OX1 receptor activation
奥村, 利勝 . Takeuchi, S . Motomura, W . Yamada, H . Egashira, S . Asahi, S . Kanatani, A . Ihara, M . Kohgo, Y
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icon_article Resection of a chondrosarcoma arising in the right first rib: a case report
北田, 正博 . Ozawa, Keisuke . Sato, Kazuhiro . Hayashi, Satoshi . Sasajima, Tadahiro
Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.16,2(2010.4),p.118-121
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icon_article Restless Legs Syndromeの2例
本間, 大 . 相澤, 仁志 . 飯塚, 一
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icon_article Restoration of function in the paralyzed laryngeal muscles by functional electrical stimulation in cats
片田, 彰博 . Nonaka, S . Kunibe, I . Imada, M . Hayashi, T . Harabuchi, Y
International Congress Series.1240,(2003),p.839-842
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icon_article Retention of the H19 imprinting and the normal methylation Patterns at the Igf2/H19 differentially-methylated regions in the monoclonal mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cells with loss of the Igf2 imprinting
石崎, 智章
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icon_article Reticular Erythematous Mucinosisの1例
本間, 大 . 浅賀, 浩孝 . 伊藤,文彦 . 高橋, 英俊 . 山本, 明美 . 橋本, 喜夫 . 飯塚, 一
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icon_article Reticulocyte hemoglobin content changes after treatment of anemia of prematurity (未熟児貧血治療後の網赤血球ヘモグロビン量の変化)
二井, 光麿
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icon_article Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent as a potential marker for diagnosis of iron deficiency
土岐, 康通 . 生田, 克哉 . 河原, 好絵 . 新関, 紀康 . 今, 昌幸 . 榎本, 基樹 . 多田, 裕子 . 畑山, 真弓 . 山本, 昌代 . 伊藤, 巧 . 進藤, 基博 . 菊地, 陽子 . 井上, 充貴 . 佐藤, 一也 . 藤谷, 幹浩 . 奥村, 利勝
International Journal of Hematology.106,1(2017.7),p.116-125
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icon_article Retinal Blood Velocity Waveform Characteristics With Aging and Arterial Stiffening in Hypertensive and Normotensive Subject (高血圧患者と正常血圧患者における年齢と動脈硬化性変化に伴う網膜血流速度波形の特徴)
瀧澤, 嘉孝
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icon_article Retinal Blood Velocity Waveform Characteristics With Aging and Arterial Stiffening in Hypertensive and Normotensive Subject (高血圧患者と正常血圧患者における年齢と動脈硬化性変化に伴う網膜血流速度波形の特徴)
瀧澤, 嘉孝
Translational vision science and technology.10,13(2021.11),p.25-
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icon_article Retrospective Comparison of the Efficacy of Tonsillectomy with and without Steroid-pulse Therapy in IgA Nephropathy Patients.
中川, 直樹 . Kabara, Maki . Matsuki, Motoki . Chinda, Junko . Fujino, Takayuki . Hirayama, Tomoya . Takahara, Miki . Harabuchi, Yasuaki . Kikuchi, Kenjiro . Hasebe, Naoyuki
Internal Medicine.51,11(2012.1),p.1323-1328
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icon_article Rett症候群患者の歯科治療経験
岡, 久美子 . 近藤, 英司 . 荒井, 五織 . 竹川, 政範 . 松田, 光悦
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icon_article Reversal of acquired cisplatin resistance by modulation of metallothionein in transplanted murine tumors
佐賀, 祐司
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icon_article Reverse Jack-Knife体位の脳外科手術中に発生した空気塞栓
鈴木, 昭広 . 中尾, 幸晴 . 斉藤, 智誉 . 仙石, 和文 . 高畑, 治 . 岩崎, 寛
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icon_article Reversed cellular polarity in primary cutaneous mucinous carcinoma: A study on tight junction protein expression in sweat gland tumors.
長澤, 有祐 . 山本, 明美
The Journal of dermatology.44,4(2017.4),p.444-448
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icon_article Review of “Echinococcus and Echinococcosis, Part A.” edited by R. C. Andrew Thompson, Alan J. Lymbery and Peter Deplazes
伊藤, 亮
Parasites and vectors.10,1(2017.9)
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icon_article RI Imaging Update 消化器領域のRIイメージング
油野, 民雄 . 秀毛, 範至
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