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icon_article Neurocysticercosis Diagnosed in a Patient with Taenia saginata Taeniasis after Administration of Praziquantel: A Case Study and Review of the Literature
Toni, Wandra . Raka, Sudewi . Ni Made, Susilawati . Kadek, Swastika . I Made, Sudarmaja . Luh Putu Eka, Diarthini . Ivan Elisabeth, Purba . 岡本, 宗裕 . Christine M, Budke . 伊藤, 亮
Primary Healthcare.6,3(2016.7),p.1-4
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icon_article Neuronal calcium sensor protein visinin-like protein-3 interacts with microsomal cytochrome b5 in a Ca2+-dependent manner.
及川, 賢輔 . Kimura, S . Aoki, N . Atsuta, Y . Takiyama, Y . Nagato, T . Yanai, M . Kobayashi, H . Sato, K . Sasajima, T . Tateno, H
Journal of Biological Chemistry.279,15(2004.4),p.15142-15152
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icon_article Neuronal calcium sensor protein visinin-like protein-3(VILIP-3) interacts with microsomal cytochrome b5 in a calcium dependent manner
及川, 賢輔
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icon_article Neuronal death and survival under oxidative stress in Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases
布村, 明彦 . Moreira, PI . Lee, HG . Zhu, X . Castellani, RJ . Smith, MA . Perry, G
CNS & Neurological Disorders Drug Targets.6,6(2007.12),p.411-423
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icon_article Neuronal RNA oxidation is a prominent feature of dementia with Lewy bodies
布村, 明彦 . Chiba, S . Kosaka, K . Takeda, A . Castellani, RJ . Smith, MA . Perry, G
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icon_article Neuronal RNA oxidation is a prominent feature of familial Alzheimer's disease
布村, 明彦 . Chiba, S . Lippa, CF . Cras, P . Kalaria, RN . Takeda, A . Honda, K . Smith, MA . Perry, G
NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE.17,1(2004.10),p.108-113
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icon_article Neuropsin promotes oligodendrocyte death, demyelination and axonal degeneration after spinal cord injury
吉田, 成孝 . Terayama, R . Bando, Y . Murakami, K . Kato, K . Kishibe, M
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icon_article New Bioassay System of Human Growth Hormone Determination (ヒト成長ホルモンに対する新しい生物学的活性測定法の開発)
ミレグリ, マイマイティ
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山中, 康裕 . Abu-Amer, Wahid . Foglia, Domenica . Otero, Jesse . Clohisy, John . Abu-Amer, Yousef
Journal of Orthopedic Research.26,12(2008.12),p.1577-1584
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icon_article Nicorandil (NIC)とNitroglycerin (NTG)の冠動脈内投与による効果の相違
長谷部, 直幸 . 松橋, 浩伸 . 川村, 祐一郎 . 幸村, 近 . 金内, しのぶ . 小野寺, 壮吉
Therapeutic Research.11,5(1990.5),p.1394-1401
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icon_article Nicorandilの冠拡張作用と虚血性心筋代謝に対する作用
市原, 和夫
Therapeutic Research.12,6(1991.6),p.1875-1877
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icon_article Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase is a Potent Therapeutic Target in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Gene T790M Mutation (ニコチンアミドフォスフォリボシルトランスフェラーゼはT790M上皮成長因子受容体遺伝子変異を有する非小細胞肺癌の有力な治療ターゲットである)
奥村, 俊介
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icon_article Nicotine suppresses the P13 auditory evoked potential by acting on the pedunculopontine nucleus in the rat
間宮, 規章
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icon_article NICUに長期入院している子どもの家族が望む発達支援
坂東, 千尋 . 岩間, 茜
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icon_article NICU入院児の父親が育児参加するために必要な看護支援
佐藤, 聡美 . 佐々木, 弥奈
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icon_article NICU退院後1ヶ月の母乳育児の継続に関わる要因
中山, 晴香 . 川口, さやか . 河内山, 春那 . 山田, 絵美
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icon_article NICU面会制限緩和の検討 : 祖父母面会導入への取り組み
木村, あゆ美 . 平野, 由紀子 . 結城, 和美 . 塩谷, 今日子 . 久保, 治美
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icon_article Nigral GABAergic inhibition upon cholinergic neurons in the rat pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus
高草木, 薫 . Saito, K . Hattori, S . Song, WJ . Isa, T
European Journal of Neuroscience.18,4(2003.8),p.879-886
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icon_article Nigral GABAergic inhibition upon mesencephalic dopaminergic cell groups in rats
高草木, 薫 . Saito, K . Isa, T
European Journal of Neuroscience.19,9(2004.5),p.2399-2409
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icon_article Ninjurin 1 mediates peripheral nerve regeneration through Schwann cell maturation of NG2-positive cells.
富田, 唯
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