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国外論文2021 国外論文2021
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icon_article Neuronal RNA oxidation is a prominent feature of dementia with Lewy bodies
布村, 明彦 . Chiba, S . Kosaka, K . Takeda, A . Castellani, RJ . Smith, MA . Perry, G
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icon_article Neuronal RNA oxidation is a prominent feature of familial Alzheimer's disease
布村, 明彦 . Chiba, S . Lippa, CF . Cras, P . Kalaria, RN . Takeda, A . Honda, K . Smith, MA . Perry, G
NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE.17,1(2004.10),p.108-113
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icon_article Neuropsin promotes oligodendrocyte death, demyelination and axonal degeneration after spinal cord injury
吉田, 成孝 . Terayama, R . Bando, Y . Murakami, K . Kato, K . Kishibe, M
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山中, 康裕 . Abu-Amer, Wahid . Foglia, Domenica . Otero, Jesse . Clohisy, John . Abu-Amer, Yousef
Journal of Orthopedic Research.26,12(2008.12),p.1577-1584
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icon_article Nigral GABAergic inhibition upon cholinergic neurons in the rat pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus
高草木, 薫 . Saito, K . Hattori, S . Song, WJ . Isa, T
European Journal of Neuroscience.18,4(2003.8),p.879-886
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icon_article Nigral GABAergic inhibition upon mesencephalic dopaminergic cell groups in rats
高草木, 薫 . Saito, K . Isa, T
European Journal of Neuroscience.19,9(2004.5),p.2399-2409
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icon_article Ninjurin1 Is a Novel Factor to Regulate Angiogenesis Through the Function of Pericytes
松木, 考樹 . 鹿原, 真樹 . 齊藤, 幸裕 . 島村, 浩平 . 簑島, 暁帆 . 西村, 正人 . 青沼, 達也 . 竹原, 有史 . 長谷部, 直幸 . 川辺, 淳一
Circulation Journal.79,6(2015.6),p.1363-1371
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icon_article Nodular fasciitis of the breast clinically resembling breast cancer in an elderly woman: a case report.
林, 諭史 . 安田, 俊輔 . 高橋, 奈七 . 岡崎, 智 . 石橋, 圭 . 北田, 正博 . 三代川, 斉之
Journal of Medical Case Reports.11,1(2017.3),p.57-
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icon_article Non-islet cell tumor hypoglycemia caused by intrathoracic solitary fibrous tumor: a case report.
北田, 正博 . 安田, 俊輔 . 高橋, 奈七 . 岡崎, 智 . 石橋, 圭 . 林, 諭史 . 大崎, 能伸 . 三代川, 斉之
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery.11,(2016.4),p.49-
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icon_article Non-transferrin-bound iron assay system utilizing a conventional automated analyzer.
伊藤, 巧 . 生田, 克哉 . 渋佐, 琴恵 . Lynda, Addo . 土岐, 康通 . 畑山, 真弓 . 稲村, 純季 . 進藤, 基博 . 藤谷, 幹浩 . 鳥本, 悦宏 . 高後, 裕
Clin Chim Acta.437(2014.9),p.129-135
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icon_article Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants Do Not Increase Cerebral Microbleeds
斉藤, 司 . 川村, 祐一郎 . 佐藤, 伸之 . 鹿野, 耕平 . 高橋, 佳恵 . 浅野目, 明日香 . 澤田, 潤 . 片山, 隆行 . 長谷部, 直幸
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases.24,6(2015.6),p.1373-1377
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icon_article Nothing is perfect! Trouble-shooting in immunological and molecular studies of cestode infections.
伊藤, 亮
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icon_article Novel anastomotic method enables aorto-femoral bypass for patients with porcelain aorta.
笹嶋, 唯博 . Inaba, M . Azuma, N . Akasaka, N . Asada, H . Uchida, H . Sasajima, Y . Goh, K
Journal of Vascular Surgery.35,5(2002),p.1016-1019
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icon_article Novel perspectives in probiotic treatment : the efficacy and unveiled mechanisms of the physiological functions
藤谷, 幹浩 . Kohgo, Yutaka
Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology.3,3(2010.6),p.117-127
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icon_article Novel postzygotic KRAS mutation in a Japanese case of epidermal nevus syndrome presenting with two distinct clinical features, keratinocytic epidermal nevi and sebaceous nevi
井川, 哲子 . 本間, 大 . 堀, 仁子 . 土田, 悦司 . 飯塚, 一 . 山本, 明美
The Journal of Dermatology.43,1(2016.1),p.103-104
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icon_article Novel splice site mutation in GATA3 in a patient with HDR syndrome
松尾, 公美浩 . 小林, 有紗 . 高橋, 佑輔 . 丸山, 聡子 . 新津, 吉博 . 勝田, 秀紀 . 古谷, 曜子 . 鈴木, 滋 . 川村, 光信 . 東, 寛
Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology.26,4(2017.9),p.271-273
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icon_article Novel targets for natural killer/T-cell lymphoma immunotherapy
熊井, 琢美 . 小林, 博也 . 原渕, 保明
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icon_article Observation of Zn-photoprotoporphyrin red Autofluorescence in human bronchial cancer using color-fluorescence endoscopy
大崎, 能伸 . 佐々木, 高明 . 遠藤, 哲史 . 北田, 正博 . 奥村, 俊介 . 平井, 理子 . 風林, 佳大 . 豊嶋, 恵理 . 山本, 泰司 . 竹山, 周良 . 中島, 進 . 阪田, 功
BMC Cancer.17,1(2017.4),p.289-
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icon_article Optic neuritis in a psoriatic arthritis patient treated by infliximab
堀, 仁子 . Tsuji, Hitomi . Takahashi, Hidetoshi . Hanada, Kazuomi . 飯塚, 一
The Journal of Dermatology.40,4(2013.4),p.298-299
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icon_article Optical absorption of 4d fcc transition-metal particles: Study of the contribution of the conduction-electron density to the correlation interaction
安濃, 英治
Physical Review B.53,7(1996.2),p.4170-4175
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