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icon_article Learning and developing scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques for biological research
甲賀, 大輔
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icon_article LECラットならびにウィルソン病患者における尿中銅の状態
宍戸, 直美 . 中山, 憲司 . 中村, 正雄
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icon_article Left Atrial Volume Index as a Predictor for Large-Vessel Occlusion in Cardiogenic Cerebral Infarction: A Single Cohort Study (心原性脳主幹動脈閉塞の予測因子としての左房容積係数に関する単施設後方視的研究)
佐藤, 広崇
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icon_article Left Atrial Volume Index as a Predictor for Large-Vessel Occlusion in Cardiogenic Cerebral Infarction: A Single Cohort Study (心原性脳主幹動脈閉塞の予測因子としての左房容積係数に関する単施設後方視的研究)
佐藤, 広崇
World Neurosurg.159,(2022.3),p.e79-e83
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icon_article Leiomyoma of the Trachea: a case report.
北田, 正博 . 安田, 俊輔 . 石橋, 佳 . 松田, 佳也 . 大崎, 能伸 . 三代川, 斉之
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery.10,1(2015.5),p.78-
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icon_article LEKTI is localized in lamellar granules, separated from KLK5 and KLK7, and is secreted in the extracellular spaces of the superficial stratum granulosum
山本, 明美 . Deraison, C . Bonnart, C . Bitoun, E . Robinson, R . O'Brien, TJ . Wakamatsu, K . Ohtsubo, S . Takahashi, H . Hashimoto, Y . Dopping-Hepenstal, PJ . McGrath, JA . Iizuka, H . Richard, G . Hovnanian, A . Patricia, J, C, D-H
Journal of Investigative Dermatology.124,2(2005.2),p.360-366
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icon_article Lesionectomyおよびcallosotomyにて著明な発作改善が得られた難治性てんかんの一例
吉田, 克成 . 程塚, 明 . 國本, 雅之 . 牧原, 真治 . 橋詰, 清隆 . 田中, 達也 . 米増, 祐吉 . 香坂, 忍
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icon_article Leukemia in cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome: A patient with a germline mutation in BRAF proto-oncogene
蒔田, 芳男 . Narumi, Y . Yoshida, M . Niihori, T . Kure, S . Fujieda, K . Matsubara, Y . Aoki, Y
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.29,5(2007.5),p.287-290
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icon_article LevamisoleとMebendazoleによる旋毛虫感染マウスの治療実験
中尾, 稔 . 久津見, 晴彦 . 中谷, 和宏
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icon_article Levodopa acts centrally to induce an antinociceptive action against colonic distension through activation of D2 dopamine receptors and the orexinergic system in the brain in conscious rats.
奥村, 利勝 . 野津, 司 . 粂井, 志麻 . 高草木, 薫 . 宮岸, 沙織 . 大平, 賀子
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences.130,2(2016.2),p.123-127
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icon_article Lidocaine持続点滴とmexiletine経口投与が有効であったLennox-Gastaut症候群の1例
宮本, 晶恵 . 高橋, 悟 . 沖, 潤一
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icon_article Limitations in the use of rifampicin-gelatin grafts against virulent organisms.
越湖, 進
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icon_article Linkage and association analyses of the osteoprotegerin gene locus with human osteoporosis
羽田, 明 . Ohmori, H . Makita, Y . Funamizu, M . Hirooka, K . Hosoi, T . Orimo, H . Suzuki, T . Ikari, K . Nakajima, T . Inoue, I
JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS.47,8(2002),p.400-406
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icon_article Linkage and association analyses of the osteoprotegerin gene locus with human osteoporosis
大森, 博之
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icon_article Lipid peroxidation and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal formation by copper ion bound to amyloid-β peptide
中村, 正雄 . Hayashi, T . Shishido, N . Nakayama, K . Nunomura, A . Smith, MA . Perry, G
Free Radical Biology and Medicine.43,11(2007.12),p.1552-1559
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icon_article Lipo-prostaglandin E1 is absorbed by vascular smooth muscle cells and may enhance re-endothelialization of vein grafts
赤坂, 伸之
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icon_article Lipopolysaccharide induces visceral hypersensitivity: role of interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and peripheral corticotropin-releasing factor in rats
野津, 司 . 宮岸, 沙織 . Nozu, Rintaro . 高草木, 薫 . 奥村, 利勝
Journal of Gastroenterology.(2016.4),p.1-9
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icon_article Livedo vasculopathy associated with methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T homozygosity
岸部, 麻里 . Komatsu, Shigetsuna . Ishida-Yamamoto, Akemi . Iizuka, Hajime
The Journal of Dermatology.39,1(2012.1),p.91-94
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icon_article Localization of the Most Severely Dysplastic/Invasive Lesions and Mucin Phenotypes in Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm of the Pancreas
唐崎, 秀則 . Mizukami, Yusuke . Tokusashi, Yoshihiko . Koizumi, Kazuya . Ishizaki, Akira . Imai, Kouji . Yoshikawa, Daitaro . Kino, Shuichi . Sasajima, Junpei . Tanno, Satoshi . Matsumoto, Kakuya . Miyokawa, Naoyuki . Kono, Toru . Kohgo, Yutaka . Furukawa, Hiroyuki
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icon_article Lock-in transition of charge density waves in quasi-one-dimensional conductors: Reinterpretation of McMillan's theory
稲垣, 克彦 . 丹田, 聡
Physical Review B.97,11(2018.3),p.115432-
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