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icon_article In-111-MDEGDを用いた肺癌の画像診断 Ga-67-citrateとの比較検討
中島, 進 . 林, 秀雄 . 前田, 富興 . 星川, 義人 . 大島, 宏之 . 山崎, 弘資 . 久保, 良彦 . 鮫島, 夏樹 . 垣内, 美弘 . 進藤, 善雄 . 小清水, 功一 . 阪田, 功 . 山内, 博彦 . 上田, 信夫
映像情報 Medical.19,6(1987.3),p.314-318
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icon_article Inability of mature oocytes to create functional haploid genomes from somatic cell nuclei
立野, 裕幸 . Akutsu, H . Kamiguchi, Y . Latham, KE . Yanagimachi, R
Fertility and Sterility.79,1(2003),p.216-218
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icon_article Incomplete KLK7 Secretion and Upregulated LEKTI Expression Underlie Hyperkeratotic Stratum Corneum in Atopic Dermatitis
井川, 哲子 . 岸部, 麻里 . 堀, 仁子 . 本間, 大 . 辻村, 久 . 石川, 准子 . 村上, 正基 . 山本, 明美
Journal of Investigative Dermatology.137,2(2017.2),p.449-456
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icon_article Incomplete KLK7 Secretion and Upregulated LEKTI Expression Underlie Hyperkeratotic Stratum Corneum in Atopic Dermatitis.
井川, 哲子
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icon_article Incomplete KLK7 Secretion and Upregulated LEKTI Expression Underlie Hyperkeratotic Stratum Corneum in Atopic Dermatitis.
井川, 哲子
The Journal of investigative dermatology.137,2(2017.2),p.449-456
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icon_article Increase in B-cell-activation factor (BAFF) and IFN-γproductions by tonsillar mononuclear cells stimulated with deoxycytidyl-deoxyguanosine oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODN) in patients with IgA nephropathy
後藤, 孝
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icon_article Increase of activated T-cells and up-regulation of Smad7 without elevation of TGF-beta expression in tonsils from patients with pustulosis palmaris et plantaris
高原, 幹 . Kishibe, K . Nozawa, H . Harabuchi, Y
Clinical Immunology.115,2(2005.5),p.192-199
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icon_article Increased activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 leads to attenuation of cocaine-mediated dopamine signaling
高橋, 悟 . Ohshima, T . Cho, A . Sreenath, T . Iadarola, MJ . Pant, HC . Kim, Y . Nairn, AC . Brady, RO . Greengard, P . Kulkarni, AB
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.102,5(2005),p.1737-1742
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icon_article Increased dosage of infliximab is a potential cause of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
岩間, 琢哉 . 坂谷, 慧 . 藤谷, 幹浩 . 田中, 一之 . 藤林, 周吾 . 野村, 好紀 . 上野, 伸展 . 嘉島, 伸 . 後藤, 拓磨 . 笹島, 順平 . 盛一, 健太郎 . 生田, 克哉
Gut Pathogens.8,2(2016.2),p.1-3
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icon_article Increased Expression of Microtubule Disassembly Molecules during Nerve Regeneration
岩田, 達也
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icon_article Increased expression of PPARγ in high fat diet-induced liver steatosis in mice
井上, 充貴
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icon_article Increased thermogenic capacity under low temperature in hibernating hamster brown adipose tissue and its contribution of arousal from hibernation (冬眠中のハムスター褐色脂肪組織における低温下熱産生容量の増加と、冬眠覚醒に対する寄与)
北尾, 直也
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icon_article Increases in plasma concentration of progesterone by protease-sensitive urinary pheromones in female rats
柏柳, 誠 . Tomioka, M . Murayama, T
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icon_article Indirect decompression of the central lumbar spinal canal by means of simultaneous bilateral transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion for severe degenerative lumbar canal stenosis with 3 years minimum follow-up (重度変性脊柱管狭窄に対して同時左右経椎間孔椎体間固定術による正中脊柱管間節除圧、3年間以上経過観察)
関口, イワン
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icon_article Indirect decompression of the central lumbar spinal canal by means of simultaneous bilateral transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion for severe degenerative lumbar canal stenosis with 3 years minimum follow-up (重度変性脊柱管狭窄に対して同時左右経椎間孔椎体間固定術による正中脊柱管間節除圧、3年間以上経過観察)
関口, イワン
Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery:Advanced Techniques and Case Management.30(2022.12),p.101614-
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icon_article Indirect imaging of branch retinal vein occlusion using a scanning laser ophthalmoscope (走査レーザー検眼鏡を用いた網膜静脈分枝閉塞症の間接的画像化)
石子, 智士 . Yoshida, Akitoshi . Sato, Eiichi . Kato, Yuji . Nagaoka, Taiji . Frans, Van de Velde
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology.55,3(2011.5),p.307-309
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icon_article Indoor Airborne Mold Spores in Newly Built Dwellings(新築住宅における室内空気中カビ胞子)
西條, 泰明 . Sata, Fumihiro . Mizuno, Shintaro . Yamaguchi, Keiji . Sunagawa, Hiroyuki . Kishi, Reiko
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine.10,3(2005.5),p.157-161
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icon_article Inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in various laryngeal lesions in relation to carcinogenesis, angiogenesis, and patients' prognosis
執行, 寛
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icon_article Induction of interleukin-8 preserves the angiogenic response in HIF-1 alpha-deficient colon cancer cells
水上, 裕輔 . Jo, WS . Duerr, EM . Gala, M . Li, JN . Zhang, XB . Zimmer, MA . Iliopoulos, O . Zukerberg, LR . Kohgo, Y . Lynch, MP . Rueda, BR . Chung, DC
NATURE MEDICINE.11,9(2005.9),p.992-997
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icon_article Induction of transferrin receptor by ethanol in rat primary hepatocyte culture
鈴木, 晶子
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