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741 - 760 of 6620 Items

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icon_article Grape Seed Extract Eliminates Visceral Allodynia and Colonic Hyperpermeability Induced by Repeated Water Avoidance Stress in Rats (ブドウ種子抽出物は、慢性水回避ストレスによる大腸の知覚過敏及び透過性亢進を予防する)
有江, 秀行
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icon_article Grape Seed Extract Eliminates Visceral Allodynia and Colonic Hyperpermeability Induced by Repeated Water Avoidance Stress in Rats (ブドウ種子抽出物は、慢性水回避ストレスによる大腸の知覚過敏及び透過性亢進を予防する)
有江, 秀行
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icon_article Gunter Grassの『局所麻酔をかけられて』と「他者」の問題
田中, 剛
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icon_article Gunter Grassの脱・黙示録―Der Butt と Die Rattin を中心に―
田中, 剛
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icon_article Haplotype analysis of the human collectin placenta 1 (hCL-P1) gene
羽田, 明 . Ohmori, H . Makita, Y . Funamizu, M . Chiba, S . Ohtani, K . Wakamiya, N
JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS.48,2(2003),p.82-85
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icon_article Hard-diet feeding recovers neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and olfactory functions of mice impaired by soft-diet feeding.
宇津木, 千鶴
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icon_article Heat-killed body of lactobacillus brevis SBC8803 ameliorates intestinal injury in a murine model of colitis by enhancing the intestinal barrier function. (麦芽乳酸菌死菌は腸管防御機構を強化し、炎症性サイトカインを抑制することで腸炎モデルマウスの腸管損傷の改善及び、腸管ホメオスタシス維持に寄与する)
上野, 伸展
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icon_article Hedgehog Promotes Neovascularization in Pancreatic Cancers by Regulating Ang-1 and IGF-1 Expression in Bone-Marrow Derived Pro-Angiogenic Cells
中村, 和正 . Sasajima, Junpei . Mizukami, Yusuke . Sugiyama, Yoshiaki . Yamazaki, Madoka . Fujii, Rie . Kawamoto, Toru . Koizumi, Kazuya . Sato, Kazuya . Fujiya, Mikihiro . Sasaki, Katsunori . Tanno, Satoshi . Okumura, Toshikatsu . Shimizu, Norihiko . Kawabe, Junichi . Karasaki, Hidenori . Kono, Toru . Ii, Masaaki . Bardeesy, Nabeel . Chung, Daniel, C. . Kohgo, Yutaka
PloS one.5,1(2010.01),p.e8824-1-e8824-11
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icon_article Hemocholecyst complicated in a hemodialysis patient with microscopic polyangiitis
丸山, 啓介 . 中川, 直樹 . 鹿原, 真樹 . 珍田, 純子 . 藤野, 貴行 . 長谷部, 直幸
Modern rheumatology.(2015.3),p.1-4
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icon_article Hepatic artery aneurysm involving the proper hepatic and gastroduodenal artery treated using a gastroepiploic artery in situ bypass
角浜, 孝行 . Ohtani, N . Sasajima, T
Journal of Vascular Surgery.45,5(2007),p.1069-1071
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icon_article Hepatic clearance measured with(99m)Tc-GSA single-photon emission computed tomography to estimate liver fibrosis
谷口, 雅彦 . 沖崎. 貴琢 . 渡邉, 賢二 . 今井, 浩二 . 内田, 浩一郎 . 永生, 高広 . 秀毛, 範至 . 三代川, 斉之 . 古川, 博之
World journal of gastroenterology.20,44(2014.11),p.16714-16720
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icon_article Herpes zoster-related aseptic meningitis and encephalomeningitis: A single faculty retrospective case study.
藤井, 瑞恵 . 本間, 大 . 山本, 明美
The Journal of dermatology.44,10(2017.10),p.e268-e269
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icon_article Heterogeneous expressions of hepcidin isoforms -20, -22, and -25 in hepatoma-derived cells
細木, 卓明
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icon_article Heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 promotes colorectal cancer progression through the stabilization of mRNA of sphingosine-1- phosphate Lyase 1 (Heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1はsphingosine-1- phosphate lyase 1 mRNAの安定化を介して大腸癌の発育を促進する)
髙橋, 慶太郎
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icon_article Heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 promotes colorectal cancer progression through the stabilization of mRNA of sphingosine-1- phosphate Lyase 1 (Heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1はsphingosine-1- phosphate lyase 1 mRNAの安定化を介して大腸癌の発育を促進する)
髙橋, 慶太郎
International journal of molecular sciences.21,12(2020.6),p.4514-
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icon_article High flow血行再建術術後のhyperperfusion syndrome
高野, 勝信 . 上山, 博康 . 牧野, 憲一 . 小林, 延光 . 徳光, 直樹 . 加藤, 正仁 . 高村, 春雄
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icon_article High Glucose Increases the Expression of Neurokinin1 Receptors in Cultured Neonatal Rat Spinal Neurons
石関, 哉生
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icon_article High glucose induces platelet derived growth factor-C via carbohydrate response element binding protein in glomerular mesangial cells
橘内, 博哉
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icon_article High glucose induces platelet derived growth factor-C via carbohydrate response element binding protein in glomerular mesangial cells
橘内, 博哉
Physiological Reports.4,6(2016.5)
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icon_article High Incidence of Chromosomal Abnormalities at 1p36 and 9p21 in Early-stage Central Type Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Dysplasia of Bronchus Detected by Autofluorescence Bronchoscopy
渋川, 紀代子
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