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icon_article gamma-Carboxyglutamic acid content of hepatocellular carcinoma-associated des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin.
楢木, 徹
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icon_article Gastric neuropeptides and gastric motor abnormality in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: observation for four weeks after streptozotocin.
宮本, 義博
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icon_article Gemcitabine chemoresistance and molecular markers associated with gemcitabine transport and metabolism in human pancreatic cancer cells
中野, 靖弘
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icon_article Gene transfer of glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 by HSV vectors suppresses neuropathic pain induced by HIV gp120 combined with ddC in rat
神田(金尾), 恵
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icon_article Gene transfer of glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 by HSV vectors suppresses neuropathic pain induced by HIV gp120 combined with ddC in rats
神田(金尾), 恵
Anesthesia and analgesia.120,6(2015.6),p.1394-1404
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icon_article Generation of a polyclonal antibody that simultaneously detects multiple Ser/Thr protein kinases
石田, 敦彦 . Kameshita, I . Kinoshita, S . Shigeri, Y . Tatsu, Y . Yumoto, N
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icon_article Genetic analysis of Echinococcus multilocularis originating from a patient with alveolar echinococcosis occurring in Minnesota in 1977
伊藤, 亮 . Yamasaki, H . Nakao, M . Nakaya, K . Schantz, PM
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.79,2(2008.8),p.245-247
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icon_article Genetic skin diseases related to desmosomes and corneodesmosomes.
山本, 明美 . 井川, 哲子
Journal of Dermatological Science.74,2(2014.5),p.99-105
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icon_article Genetics of the Pig Tapeworm in Madagascar Reveal a History of Human Dispersal and Colonization
柳田, 哲矢 . Jean-François, Carod . 迫, 康仁 . 中尾, 稔 . Eric, P. Hoberg . 伊藤, 亮
PLoS One.9,10(2014.10),p.e109002-
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icon_article Genotyping of 38 insertion/deletion polymorphisms for human identification using universal fluorescent PCR
岡, 久美子
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icon_article Genotyping of cytochrome p450 isoform genes is useful for forensic identification of cadaver
小川, 研人
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icon_article Ghrelin acts in the brain to block colonic hyperpermeability in response to lipopolysaccharide through the vagus nerve (グレリンは脳に作用して迷走神経を介してLPSで誘導される腸管透過性亢進を抑制する)
石王, 応知
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icon_article Ghrelin acts in the brain to block colonic hyperpermeability in response to lipopolysaccharide through the vagus nerve (グレリンは脳に作用して迷走神経を介してLPSで誘導される腸管透過性亢進を抑制する)
石王, 応知
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icon_article Glaucoma Diagnostic Performance of Retinal Blood Flow Measurement With Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography (ドップラーOCTを用いた網膜血流測定による緑内障の診断能)
阿部, 翼
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icon_article Glaucoma Diagnostic Performance of Retinal Blood Flow Measurement With Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography (ドップラーOCTを用いた網膜血流測定による緑内障の診断能)
阿部, 翼
Translational vision science and technology.11,10(2022.10),p.11-
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icon_article Gli2 protein expression level is a feasible marker of ligand-dependent hedgehog activation in pancreatic neoplasms
杉山, 祥晃 . 笹嶋, 順平 . 水上, 裕輔 . 小泉, 一也 . 河本, 徹 . 小野, 裕介 . 唐崎, 秀則 . 田邊, 裕貴 . 藤谷, 幹浩 . 高後, 裕
Polish Journal of Pathology.67,2(2016.6),p.136-144
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icon_article Glial Cyst in the Thalamus with Intracystic Hemorrhage -Case Report-  (視床の嚢胞内出血を伴う神経膠嚢胞 症例報告)
徳光, 直樹 . Sako, Kazuhiro . Kunimoto, Masayuki . Nakai, Hirofumi . Yonemasu, Yukichi
Neurologia medico-chirurgica.37,3(1997.3),p.284-287
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icon_article Glial Endothelin-1 Regulates Retinal Blood Flow During Hyperoxia in Cats
宋, 勇錫 . 長岡, 泰司 . 善岡, 尊文 . 大野, 晋治 . 和田, 剛成 . 中林, 征吾 . 谷, 智文 . 吉田, 晃敏
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.57,11(2016.9),p.4962-4969
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icon_article Granulocyte colony stimulating factor-producing squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
伊藤, 康裕 . Fujii, Mizue . Shibuya, Takashi . Uehara, Jiro . Sato, Katsuhiko . Iizuka, Hajime
The Journal of Dermatology.38,5(2011.5),p.515-517
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icon_article Grape Seed Extract Eliminates Visceral Allodynia and Colonic Hyperpermeability Induced by Repeated Water Avoidance Stress in Rats
有江, 秀行 . 野津, 司 . 宮岸, 沙織 . 井田, 正幸 . 出雲, 貴幸 . 柴田, 浩志
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