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ID 20220325_K572
アイテムタイプ Article
本文 K572 Takahashi Mirai_TD.pdf
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Last updated : Jul 25, 2022
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タイトル Preceding postural control in forelimb reaching movements in the cat (ネコ前肢リーチング運動における先行性姿勢制御)
髙橋, 未来 (Takahashi, Mirai)
Frontiers in systems neuroscience No.15  (2022. 1) ,p.792665-
DOI 10.3389/fnsys.2021.792665
学位授与番号 10107A572
学位授与年月日 2022-03-25
学位名 博士(医学)
学位授与機関 旭川医科大学
抄録 Postural control precedes the goal-directed movement to maintain body equilibrium during the action. Because the environment continuously changes due to one's activity, postural control requires a higher-order brain function that predicts the interaction between the body and the environment. Here, we tried to elucidate to what extent such a preceding postural control (PPC) predictively offered a posture that ensured the entire process of the goal-directed movement before starting the action. For this purpose, we employed three cats, which we trained to maintain a four-leg standing posture on force transducers to reach the target by either forelimb. Each cat performed the task under nine target locations in front with different directions and distances. As an index of posture, we employed the center of pressure (CVP) and examined CVP positions when the cat started postural alteration, began to lift its paw, and reached the target. After gazing at the target, each cat started PPC where postural alteration was accompanied by a 20-35 mm CVP shift to the opposite side of the forelimb to be lifted. Then, the cat lifted its paw at the predicted CVP position and reached the forelimb to the target with a CVP shift of only several mm. Moreover, each cat had an optimal target location where the relationship between the cat and target minimized the difference in the CVP positions between the predicted and the final. In this condition, more than 80% of the predicted CVP positions matched the final CVP positions, and the time requiring the reaching movement was the shortest. By contrast, the forelimb reaching movement required a greater CVP shift and longer time when the target was far from the cat. In addition, the time during forelimb reaching showed a negative correlation with the speed of the CVP shift during the PPC. These results suggest that the visuospatial information, such as the body-environment interaction, contributes to the motor programming of the PPC. We conclude that the PPC ensures postural stability throughout the action to optimize the subsequent goal-directed movements. Impairments in these processes may disturb postural stability during movements, resulting in falling.
anticipatory postural adjustments
forelimb reaching
higher order brain function
postural control
資源タイプ application/pdf
ジャンル Thesis or Dissertation
著者版フラグ ETD
/ Public
/ Public / 学位論文
/ Public / 学位論文 / 博士論文2020.3~