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ID K30-57
アイテムタイプ Article
本文 林要喜吉先生 他 30.pdf
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Last updated : Jun 4, 2014
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タイトル サイエンス・パートナーシップ・プロジェクト支援による中学生のための基礎医科学実習の評価
林, 要喜知 (Hayashi, Yokichi)
春見, 達郎 (Harumi, Tatsuo)
津村, 直美 (Tsumura, Naomi)
中村, 正雄 (Nakamura, Masao)
旭川医科大学紀要(一般教育) Vol.30, (2014. 3) ,p.57- 74
抄録 As one of the activities sponsored by Science Partnership Project (SPP) in the Japan Science and Technology Agency,we performed this activity entitled "Let's perform scientific experiments to understand a human body: a lab course for basic medical science in junior high schools" in Asahikawa city. The activity is also regarded to be the coordinating science education between junior high school and universities,and more than 180 students in three junior high schools participated in this activity. The experimental contents included "mouse learning experiments using Morris water maize and T letter maize"," human taste test with miracle fruit and Gymnema tea","indoor forest bathing,"DNA extraction from apple juice" and "cutaneous sensation test" . We divided students into several groups to take a short lecture about each experiment. In most case,students did well cooperate to perform tasks and summarize their results. They also discussed with supervisors when they completed every task. We performed an inquiry survey to analyze how students' motivation was enhanced through the lab course. The survey revealed that more than 98% of students felt them quite intriguing and understandable,whereas only the 35% had troubles to summary and make reports on experimental results they obtained. The discrepancy between these figures showed that they did not experience much lab courses and not accustomed to be engaged in such works according to their data. However,the kind of lab courses seems to provide good educational experiences to students who would learn how to reason logically with their experimental data. Therefore the activities we planed in three junior high schools suggest that if this kind of education activities is aimed especially for first and second year-students,it would positively fulfill some roles to halt the trend that students in Japan are moving away from the sciences,and that there are still some points needed to make this program fit more to junior high school students.
サイエンス・パートナーシップ・プロジェクト、中学・高校・大学連携教育、 学生の動機づけ、実践教育、アンケート調査
注記 雑誌掲載版
資源タイプ text
ジャンル Departmental Bulletin Paper
/ Public / 旭川医科大学
/ Public
/ Public / 旭川医科大学 / 旭川医科大学紀要