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ID 20140930_K470
アイテムタイプ Article
本文 K470 Kabara Maki_TD.pdf
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Last updated : Sep 6, 2016
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タイトル 傷害血管周囲に発生する微小血管(vasa vasorum)由来の毛細血管幹細胞株の樹立
進藤(鹿原), 真樹 (Kabara Shindo, Maki)
Laboratory Investigation Vol.94, No.12  (2014. 12) ,p.1340- 1354
DOI 10.1038/labinvest.2014.121
学位授与番号 10107A470
学位授与年月日 2014-09-30
学位名 博士(医学)
学位授与機関 旭川医科大学
抄録 Adventitial microvessels, vasa vasorum in the vessel walls, have an active role in the vascular remodeling, although its mechanisms are still unclear. It has been reported that microvascular pericytes (PCs) possess mesenchymal plasticity. Therefore, microvessels would serve as a systemic reservoir of stem cells and contribute to the tissues remodeling. However, most aspects of the biology of multipotent PCs (mPCs), in particular of pathological microvessels are still obscure because of the lack of appropriate methods to detect and isolate these cells. In order to examine the characteristics of mPCs, we established immortalized cells residing in adventitial capillary growing at the injured vascular walls. We recently developed in vivo angiogenesis to observe adventitial microvessels using collagen-coated tube (CCT), which also can be used as an adventitial microvessel-rich tissue. By using the CCT, CD146- or NG2-positive cells were isolated from the adventitial microvessels in the injured arteries of mice harboring a temperature-sensitive SV40 T-antigen gene. Several capillary-derived endothelial cells (cECs) and PCs (cPCs) cell lines were established. cECs and cPCs maintain a number of key endothelial and PC features. Co-incubation of cPCs with cECs formed capillary-like structure in Matrigel. Three out of six cPC lines, termed capillary mPCs demonstrated both mesenchymal stem cell- and neuronal stem cell-like phenotypes, differentiating effectively into adipocytes, osteoblasts, as well as schwann cells. mPCs differentiated to ECs and PCs, and formed capillary-like structure on their own. Transplanted DsRed-expressing mPCs were resident in the capillary and muscle fibers and promoted angiogenesis and myogenesis in damaged skeletal muscle. Adventitial mPCs possess transdifferentiation potential with unique phenotypes, including the reconstitution of capillary-like structures. Their phenotype would contribute to the pathological angiogenesis associated with vascular remodeling. These cell lines also provide a reproducible cellular tool for high-throughput studies on angiogenesis, vascular remodeling, and regeneration as well.
資源タイプ application/pdf
ジャンル Thesis or Dissertation
著者版フラグ ETD
/ Public
/ Public / 学位論文
/ Public / 学位論文 / 博士論文